Moving Cleaning Preparations
Essential Steps to Prepare Before Booking Your Move Out Cleaning Service
Are you looking to optimize your move out cleaning experience? We’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist of tasks you should complete prior to scheduling a cleaning service for your relocation, ensuring you maximize the benefits of their assistance!
Pack and Organize Your Belongings
Before the cleaning crew arrives, ensure your belongings are organized and packed. Clear out any clutter, and if feasible, transport your items to your new residence. A tidy space allows the cleaning team to work efficiently.
Dispose of Unwanted Items
While a house cleaning service will ensure a spotless environment, it’s essential to declutter beforehand. Dispose of or donate old or broken items you no longer need. Clearly mark any items requiring disposal to avoid confusion for the cleaning team.
Address Repair Needs
Prioritize repairing any damages such as holes or marks on walls caused by hanging artwork. This is especially crucial if you’re vacating a rented property, as failure to address these issues may impact your deposit refund.
Restore Wall Paint
If you’ve made changes to wall paint, revert them to the original color before moving out. This is particularly important if you’ve painted without permission, as it could affect your deposit return.
Repair or Replace Flooring
Examine your flooring and carpets for any wear and tear. Replace or repair damaged areas to ensure your space is in top condition for the cleaning team’s arrival.
Inquire About Move Out Cleaning Rates
For larger homes or extensive cleaning needs, inquire about the move out cleaning service’s rates in advance. Obtain an estimate of the costs involved. If budget is a concern, undertake as much pre-cleaning as possible to minimize the service duration.
Remove Wall Fixtures
Prior to the move out cleaning team’s arrival, remove any nails or hooks from the walls to prevent accidents and ensure a safe environment.
Confirm Functionality of Systems
Conduct a quick inspection of your home’s water, electrical, and gas systems before moving. If any issues are identified, promptly contact a maintenance company for assistance.
Inspect Appliances
For rental properties, thoroughly inspect and ensure all appliances are in proper working condition before departure. Contact maintenance if repairs are necessary.
Check Move Out Cleaning Supplies
While most cleaning companies provide their own supplies, it’s advisable to verify in advance. If specific products are preferred or if you favor eco-friendly options, request their use or provide them yourself.
Closing Thoughts on Move Out Cleaning Services
Moving can be stressful, but selecting the right move out cleaning service doesn’t have to be. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this article, you can effectively prepare for your cleaning service and enjoy a seamless transition to your new space!